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New Lands Legislation

We want to hear from you! The Government of Yukon is developing new lands legislation.
In collaboration with First Nation partners, the government is seeking input from Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Citizens and Dawson community members to help shape this new legislation to ensure it upholds aboriginal and treaty rights and reflects the values and interests of Yukoners.
Please join us for a Public Engagement session on Wednesday, May 22 at Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Community Hall from 6pm to 8pm. Light refreshments will be served.
Key topics that will be discussed based on pervious input from Yukoners include:
Management of activities on the land: the rules that determine how people can use the land for activities that don’t need a permit. Camping on public land (i.e., not in a campground) is an example of this type of activity.
Permits and tenure: the rules for obtaining tenure to titled (private) land and the rules for administering leases, permits and licenses of occupation. This includes the sale of public land by lotteries or tender which will include a targeted engagement.
Compliance, monitoring and enforcement: how inspectors and enforcement officers monitor land use activities and enforce the rules.
Land planning: considers the development and implementation of land use plans in the Yukon.
Decisions: determining who makes decisions and how the decisions are made. This includes the involvement of Indigenous governments and the role of the public.
If you cannot attend the session, you can also participate through our online survey. Please click the link for full details and instructions on how to complete. https://surveys.yukon.ca/S2/1/NewLandsLegislation/
You can also email your perspectives to newlandsact@yukon.ca.
This new legislation will provide a framework to better manage public land and public land-based activities in the territory and your input is greatly appreciated. For more information go to:
Mähsi cho.