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Elders Council Meeting

Nëts’än wëdìhtth’äk łą̈̂ hǫzǫ. (Great to hear from you)
Join us for the first Elder’s Council Meeting of 2024. This will take place on Tuesday, January 16th at 5:30pm in Äłät Nëhëjël (TH Hall).
We are also excited to announce the introduction of a virtual component to our Elders Council meetings.
Attend in-person at the Äłät Nëhëjël (TH Hall) or sign up for virtual attendance from home. Link to form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx…
Whitehorse Citizens:
We look to host Whitehorse Citizens in-person at the Whitehorse Office in the near future, as we set up I.T equipment to increase our virtual capabilities. In the meantime we hope to see you virtually. Mähsi for your patience.
If you require assistance signing up for Elder Correspondence and Meeting Attendance, please email council.support@trondek.ca or call Reception at 867-993-7100.