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Thay K’i Anint’i is visiting Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in


Thay K’i Anint’i a First Nation’s support group is visiting Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in from Thursday April 18 to Saturday April 20.

We are a safe space for individuals at any stage in their addiction’s recovery healing journey, the desire to be in recovery, new in recovery, a trailblazer with many years or recovering from a relapse. 

Hear their story with a welcome dinner and presentations on Thursday evening at Äłät Nëhëjël at 6pm. This will be also be livestreamed on Facebook.

Everyone is welcome to participate and there is a variety of activities and events over the course of the three days including workshops, smudging, healing circles and a Movie Night on Saturday.

For the daily agenda see here:


This event is hosted by the Community Outreach Wellness Team, Zoey & Charmaine. Please email community.outreach@trondek.ca or call/text 867-993-3639 for more information.